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  • Jobs & Careers
    Build your career in Hongfeng
    Policy of Treating Professionals
    A principle of 80/20, that is, 80% of the professionals come from on-post training, and 20% of the professionals come from recruitment.
    Professional training and comprehensive ability training are equally important.
    Key points:
    In Hongfeng, moral integrity is valued more than professional competence; those having both moral integrity and professional competence are our first choice; those having moral integrity but inferior professional competence deserve a chance of further training; those having professional competence but inferior moral integrity are our last choice; those having neither moral integrity nor professional competence have no place at Hongfeng.
    Career Development
    Cultural identity
    Newcomers accept and identify with Hongfeng’s culture. Hongfeng recruit excellent people, place them in the most suitable posts, focus on talent-post matching of key positions.
    Have both ability and moral integrity
    Hongfeng integrates training as an enabler, technical exchanges, mentorship, and performance coaching, and sticks to a talent reserve plan with college students as the cadres, so as to forge an echelon of professionals at all levels to meet the Hongfeng’s development needs in the future.
    A decent salary keeps staff content, career opportunities are a deeper attraction, and the corporate culture is the ultimate drive. Hongfeng makes unremitting efforts to improve employee benefits, enrich the cultural life of employees, and improve the salary incentive mechanism, so as to enhance employees’ sense of belonging and happiness.
    Choice of post
    Able people are discovered and put at suitable posts
    Hongfeng implements a dual-channel promotion path, that is, an employee may pursue a higher management rank or technological title. A career planning roadmap is clear to our employees, and work shifts and competition are arranged for continuously improving and optimizing the employment mechanism.
    Professionals are accredited as long as they meet the needs of enterprise development and have competent job skills.
    Talents Are Pooled Together for Hongfeng’s Sustainable Growth
    Talents are pooled together for Hongfeng’s sustainable growth
    Employees have a growth plan devised for them in each stage of their career,
    and everyone is taken care of and enjoys the growth together.
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